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Climate plea, Pope Francis chastises the United States and the “irresponsible” Western lifestyle.
Life Style

Climate plea, Pope Francis chastises the United States and the “irresponsible” Western lifestyle.

Source: VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis issued a fresh call for climate action on Wednesday, declaring that “the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point” and scolding the United States for “irresponsible” Western excess as well as the “weakness” of world leaders for not acting more forcefully. Francis published a follow-up known as an apostolic exhortation eight years after releasing his historic environmental encyclical, "Laudato Si'," in which he chastised sceptics of climate change and urged a "ecological conversion" among the faithful. It was regarded as a lower-level text and was far shorter than his 180-page encyclical, at just 12 pages. Its influence could also be more constrained. In his summary of established science, F...