Number of Users on WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Shopify, Wix, Hubspot, and Drupal

CMS systems - WordPress, Drupal, Wix, Hubspot, shopify, Joomla, and Magento, Open-Source
Open-Source CMS systems – WordPress, Drupal, Wix, Hubspot, Shopify, Joomla, and Magento

In the vast digital kingdom, Content Management Systems (CMS) reign supreme, empowering website creation and online content management for millions. But amidst the abundance, which platforms wield the greatest user base? Let’s explore the numbers behind seven popular CMS solutions:

1. WordPress:

The undisputed ruler. This open-source CMS powers over 43% of all websites, translating to a staggering 810 million websites active as of January 2024 according to ColorLib. Its user-friendly interface and vast plugin library make it a favorite for bloggers, small businesses, and even large corporations.

2. Joomla!:

The versatile knight. With approximately 8 million websites built on Joomla, it offers a robust platform for content and community management. There are more than 1,162,000 live websites on Joomla. More than 139 million users have downloaded Joomla CMS, 270,683 are from the USA alone according to While not as ubiquitous as WordPress, its flexibility and security features win favor with NGOs, educational institutions, and government websites.

3. Magento:

The commerce champion. For online stores, Magento shines, there are 147,077 live stores running on the Magento platform globally. Its powerful e-commerce functionalities and scalability make it the go-to for established brands and businesses demanding intricate product management.

4. Shopify:

The cloud-based contender. Shopify boasts over 4.8 million stores, out of which an average of 2.1 million users are active on daily basis according to, making it the leading hosted e-commerce platform. Its ease of use and subscription-based model attract entrepreneurs and startups seeking a quick and streamlined online shop setup.

5. Wix:

The drag-and-drop duke. Wix’s user-friendly, code-free approach has captured the hearts of over 220 million users worldwide according to ColorLib. With its intuitive interface and visually stunning templates, Wix empowers individuals and small businesses to create professional websites without technical expertise.

6. HubSpot:

The marketing maven – HubSpot CMS Hub caters to marketing teams, offering content management alongside marketing automation tools. With over 173,510 customers, it helps businesses attract, engage, and convert leads into loyal customers according to

7. Drupal:

The developer’s darling. Known for its security and scalability, Drupal enjoys popularity among government agencies and large organizations. While its steeper learning curve limits its user base to roughly 1.3 million websites according to as of 2023, its robust features and customizability make it a preferred choice for complex web projects.

Key Takeaways:

  • WordPress dominates the general CMS landscape, while Magento and Shopify reign supreme in e-commerce. WordPress uses a popular plugin called WooCommerce that every WordPress-based e-commerce website uses.
  • Wix caters to beginners, while Drupal targets developers and complex projects.
  • HubSpot offers a unique blend of content management and marketing automation.

Ultimately, the “best” CMS depends on your specific needs and technical expertise. Understanding the user numbers and strengths of each platform can guide you towards finding the perfect digital throne for your online endeavor.